Digital Services and Digital Collections

Digital Scholarship & Initiatives offer a selection of services and resources that facilitate digital scholarship and discovery of digital content. We invite you to review our library guides on specific topics in the field, attend a workshop, schedule an instruction session and/or consult with our librarians.

Research, Teaching & Learning

Schedule a Research Appointment

Have questions? Make an appointment with Sean Knowlton for individual or group consultations at all stages of scholarship.

Library Instruction Request

Submit a library instruction request to Sean Knowlton via this online form.

Digital Collections
Journal Publishing

Tulane University Libraries offers an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing service that provides a web-based platform for scholarly and academic publishing for the Tulane community. 

Online Exhibits

A showcase of digital stories created by the Tulane community and hosted by the Libraries. Explore and create with us.

Libraries YouTube Channel

Community-engaged original audiovisual content from Tulane University Libraries. View, like, and subscribe.

Audiovisual Production

The Digital Scholarship & Initiatives Department provides uptown campus recording services of speaker events to other Tulane departments on the condition that the recording is archived in the Tulane University Digital Library and the TUL YouTube channel.